Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 9 (1987)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Hans-Jűrgen Krum: Perspektywy nauczania i dydaktyki języków obcych na wyższych uczelniach
Stanisław P. Kaczmarski: Edynburska Szkoła Tłumaczy
Elżbieta Zawadzka: Wybrane problemy percepcji wykłady w języku obcym
Anna Duszak: Glottodydaktyczny aspekt funkcjonalnej perspektywy zdania
Jarosław Janczewski: Metody badania zmiennych afektywnych w glottodydaktyce
Maria Korosadowicz: Aspekty komunikacji niewerbalnej w nauczaniu języka obcego
Irena Nałęcz-Moszczeńska: Błędy przyimkowe, ich źródło i akceptabilność w komunikacji językowe
Anna Bartkowicz: Nauczanie tzw. „mowy zależnej" a funkcje mowy

Badania empiryczne

Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska: Specyfika spontanicznego dialogicznego języka niemieckiego
Wanda Krzemińska: Typologia błędów fonetycznych w dydaktyce języka francuskiego

Gottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Helena Żmijewska: Realioznawstwo w nauczaniu języków obcych
Genowefa Ratajczak, Maria Drożyńska-Deja, Kazimiera Myczko: „Guten Tag, Berlin! Aufbaukurs" – możliwość zastosowania na I roku studiów germanistycznych
Józef Porayski-Pomsta: Założenia programu resortowego „Nauczanie języka polskiego i kształcenie polonistyczne cudzoziemców" Małgorzata Majewska: Projekt badań nad sprawnością mówienia w języku polskim przez cudzoziemców


Ewa Gawrysiak, Józef Porayski-Pomsta: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego oraz studiów kontarstywnych za rok 1983

Recenzje i przeglądy

E.J. Passov: Kommunikativnyj metod obućenija inojazyćnomu govoreniju, Moskva, 1985, ss.208 (Antoni Markunas)
Jochen Schrőder: Lexikon deutscher Präpositionen, VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie, Leipzig1986, s. 268 (Ingrid Kűhn)


Contents / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Hans-Jűrgen Krum: The Prospects of Foreign Language Teaching and Didactics in Institution of Higher Education

The article describes the current situation in foreign language teaching and didactics of foreign languages at West German univer­sities, and outliners the prospects for the nearest future. In part one the author deals with language studies, which since the begin­ning of the 1970s have been aimed at training teachers, the orien­tation which resulted in a considerable growth of the role of fo­reign language didactics. Glottodidactics was introduced to the curricula of language studies as a separate subject, which, in turn, gave way to its further emancipation consisting in its sepa­ration from linguistics, as illustrated by foundation of numerous centers and institutes of foreign language didactics.

However, due to the recent decrease in demand for language tea­chers and to the steady reduction of time devoted to foreign lan­guages in curricula of secondary schools, there has occured a need for certain modifications in the curricula of language studies which would result in larger professional mobility of the gradua­tes. Part two of the article discusses certain suggestions for ad­ditional training of language students preparing them for jobs out­side school.

In part three the author deals with the problem of foreign lan­guage teaching at non-language departments, advocating the repla­cement of the currently offered functional courses with courses comprising also elements of linguistics and cultural studies.

Stanisław P. Kaczmarski: Edinburgh School of Translators and Interpreters

In Great Britain in the last two decades there have occured certain important changes in the curricula of language studies, consisting mainly in placing greater emphasis on language and its cultural background, and not, as it had been the case, on litera­ture. This new tendency is well illustrated by the Department of Languages, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. Founded in 1970 the Department of Languages has as its aim the training of linguists fluent in two modern languages and informed of contemporary econo­mic, political, social and cultural background of the respective countries. The graduates are well equipped for a variety of jobs: translating, interpreting, teaching; work in industry, foreign trade, diplomatic service, journalism and mass media. In order to show how these ends are achieved the author presents the curriculum of the language studies at Heriot-Watt University and gives detailed description of the didactic process.

Elżbieta Zawadzka: Selected Problems of Perception of a Foreign Language Lecture

The article deals with the problems connected with perception

of lecture in a foreign language. As shown by the results of a test given to first year students of the German Department, perception of lecture in a foreign language is generally inadequate. The dif­ficulties seem to arise both from the very form of lecture as a medium of information transfer and from the inadequate develop­ment of the skill of focused listening in a foreign language. Trai­ning of this skill should therefore be emphasized, a postulate well justified by the differences between perception in the native ton­gue and in a foreign language i.e. differences in the area of short-term memory, slower and often incorrect anticipations in a foreign language, narrower vocabulary, and inadequate development of linguistic hearing. The author points to the role of structural factors in perception of a lecture and stresses the necessity for proper training of perception in a foreign language as well as training students in note-taking.

Anna Duszak: A Glottodidactic Aspects of Functional Sentence Perspective

The present paper addresses some didactic implications of the theory of functional sentence perspective. The theory in question propounds an inherent connection between the structure of the lan­guage and its use in communication. It investigates how context and the communicative intention of the speaker bear on the struc­tural rendition of the sentence. In sections 1 and 2, some of tho­se assumptions are presented in brief (with special reference to English). Section 3 raises the practival import of respective ob­servations. The main purpose of this paper is to argue that a didactic explication of functional sentence perspective should assist the teaching of some aspects of the structure of a foreign language, and its operation in discourse.

Jarosław Janczewski: Methods of Measurement of Affective Variables in Glottodidactics

The article focuses on the problem of affective factors rele­vant to success in learning a foreign language e.g, motivation, emotional attitude toward the target language or self-evaluation. After surveying the views of other researchers on the subject, the author presents his own conclusions, emphasizing the methodölogi­cal aspect of the problem i.e, methods of measuring of affective variables and the research tools appropriate to the task. In the conclusion the author describes a new method of evaluation of the learner's attitude toward the target language speakers.

Maria Korosadowicz: Aspects of Non-Verbal Communication In Foreign Language Teaching

The article deals with nonverbal communication and presents its possible application to practical foreign language teaching, based on several British and American research projects into kinesics, paralanguage and proxemics. According to the author the use of non­verbal communication in language teaching, a virtually new idea in Polish language teaching methodology, can increase both the lear­ner's motivation and the effectiveness of the process, as well as help develop an attitude of tolerance 'toward foreign cultures.

Irena Nałęcz-Moszczeńska: Prepositional Errors: Their Genesis and Acceptability in Language Teaching

The article is devoted to the problem of prepositional errors in German. It presents the research project conducted among the high school students who have followed a two-year course of German based on the coursebooks of B. Grucza, H. Hajduk and R.K. Tertel. The material for analysis of prepositional errors was obtained on the basis of a test elaborated for the purpose of the study. The test made use of the following testing technics: multiple choice, completion and translation. Errors were then classified according to their grammaticality and acceptability (in the context of sen­tence) and to their source (in the context of prepositional phra­se). The study confirmed the dependence of the achieved results on the applied testing technics, and the fact that mastering of gram­matical and polysemarrtic functions of German prepositions constitu­te a serious problem for the learners.

Anna Bartkowicz: The Teaching of the So-Called „Reported Speech" and the Functions of Language

The present article outlines a tentative procedure of teaching how to relate those types of human behaviour whose essential part is constituted by utterances that perform different functions and function in different situational contexts. The utterances in ques­tion are subdivided into two classes: I ,non-descriptive", in the form of: 1) orders, declarative sentences, elliptical sentences; and II „descriptive", in the form of declarative sentences, while the suggested teaching procedure - partially based on J.L. Austin's idea of explicit vs non-explicit performatives, the discovery pro­cedure for the latter ones and his „doctrine of illocutionary for­ces" of speech acts - is a two-step one and consists in: 1) para­phrasing an utterance, i.e. discovering what act is performed by the fact of uttering it, in the form of a 1st person singular sen­tence; 2) transforming the above sentence into a descriptive one, according to the rules of grammar. The procedure, beside teaching the grammatical rules pertaining to the problems in question, is also to extend the students vocabu-

Empirical Studies

Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska: Specific Features of Spontaneous-Dialogue Spoken German

The article addresses some problems of the very concept of spo­ken language and discusses the criteria of the surface differen­tiation of national language, giving a classification of its va­riations, or types of texts. In part two the author presents the results of a structural frequency analysis of authentic, spontaneously produced texts of spoken German, their syntax, and partly morphology and phonology. The analysis was done on the body of colloquial dialogues trans­cribed by a team of linguists of Freiburgh University and Published by Hueber Verlag, Munich.Summing up, the author presents some conclusions to be applied in practical teaching of spoken German.

Wanda Krzemińska: Typology of Phonetic Errors in learning French

The author analyses the most frequent phonetic errors that occur in the process of learning French in Polish schools. The analysis discloses that the reasons of phonetic errors in learning French pronunciation are different in case of vowel and consonant systems. In the former case the major difficulty consists irn the necessity to learn new places of articulation, while in the latter, it lies in the need to overcome the inertia of Polish phonetic rules.

Glottodidactics at University

HelenaŻmijewska: Language-Oriented Cultural Studies in Foreign Language Teaching

While studying a foreign language the learner not only learns a new system of communication and a new means of expressing fami­liar semantic concepts but also becomes acquainted with numerous new concepts condit_i.oned by a totally different culture of the na­tion whose language he is studying. For this reason language-orien­ted cultural studies have become an inseparable part of foreign language teaching methodology and an object of glottodidactic re­search. As language-oriented cultural studies are often erroneously identified with socio-historical or etnographical cultural studies, there occurs a need for a precise definition of their range. This article is an attempt at such a definition.

Genowefa Ratajczak, Maria Drożyńska-Deja, Kazimiera Myczko: „Guten Tag, Berlin! Aufbaukurs" – Possibilities of Application in the First Lear of German Studies

In their article the authors discuss the possi-bilities of using „Guten Tag, Berlin! Aufbaukurs" audiovisual course in practical teaching of German in the first year of German studies. The course has been used in the authors' mother Institute of German Studies : since 1979. From among the many possibilities of application of the course, the Institute's faculty has chosen one that allows for realization of the following methodological objectives: to prepare the first year students for work in the language lab i.e. to acquaint them with various types of drills and exercises characte­ristic of the audiolingual method, and to eliminate the most fre­quent grammatical and phonAic errors. The didactic process of the practical German course based on "Guten Tag, Berlin! Aufbaukurs" is organized in three stages, described in detail in the article.

Józef Porayski-Pomsta: The Assumptions of the Departmental Project: „The Teaching of Polish and the Program of Polish Studies for Foreigners"

The article discusses the Ministry's of Science and Higher Education project entitled „The Teaching of Polish and the Program of Polish Studies for Foreigners". It presents the objectives and forms of execution of the project, whose basic task is to develop a proper professional and, methodological attitude toward teaching of Polish as a foreign language and toward the program of Polish studies for foreigners.

Małgorzata Majewska: A Research Project into the Speaking Skills of Foreign Learners of Polish

The research project presented here was conducted with view to making a description of certain aspects of acquisition of the speak­ing skill in Polish by foreign learners. The analysis was focused on two problems: characteristics of learners with particular empha­sis on success and failure, and, in the lapsological part, descrip­tion of the interlanguage and classification of the most frequent errors, Subject to the study, which had a crossectional character, were 152 persons studying Polish in various conditions: abroad, in Poland on an individual basis or in an organized way. For the pur­pose of the study there were determined eleven independent varia­bles e.g. length and intensity of the language course, knowledge of other languages, type of motivation or degree of grammatical awareness, each of which was assigned three features arranged accor­ding to three degrees of intensity. In order to evaluate the level of the speaking fluency the studied group was given a test of speech consisting of four subtest: dialogue, monologue with verbal stimu­lus, monologue with graphic stimulus, and communication exercises. The results were assessed according to the five-point Harris scale and then arranged in combination with the independent variables for each of 152 persons in consolidated tables.


Ewa Gawrysiak, Józef Porayski-Pomsta: Bibliography of Works on Teaching of Polish as a Foreign Language and on Contrastive Studies for Year 1983

Reviews and notices

E.J. Passov: Kommunikativnyj metod obućenija inojazyćnomu govoreniju, Moskva, 1985, ss.208 (Antoni Markunas)
Jochen Schrőder: Lexikon deutscher Präpositionen, VEB Verlag Enzyklopädie,  Leipzig 1986, s. 268 (Ingrid Kűhn)