Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 24 (2008)
Rozprawy i artykuły
Sambor GRUCZA: Lingwistyka tekstu a analiza dialogu – w sprawie nieporozumień wokół ich przedmiotowej dyferencjacji
Elżbieta GAJEK: Korpusy językowe w kształceniu nauczycieli języków obcych
Gabriela GORĄCA: Podobieństwa oraz interakcje języka i muzyki
Jan GOŚCIŃSKI: Czy nauczanie języka angielskiego w gimnazjach jest dobrze organizowane?
Agata HOFMAN: Teoria inteligencji wielorakich Howarda Gardnera a zagadnienie indywidualizacji procesu nauczania L2
Anna KAŹMIERCZAK: Wykorzystanie obrazu w rozwijaniu interkulturowej kompetencji Komunikacyjnej
Roman LEWICKI: W poszukiwaniu innowacyjnych rozwiązań metodycznych na potrzeby dydaktyki języka niemieckiego
Czesława SCHATTE: Teksty reklamowe w nauczaniu języka obcego na poziomie Zaawansowanym
Marian SZCZODROWSKI: Komunikacja obcojęzyczna w układzie sprzężenia prostego i zwrotnego
Hans-Jörg SCHWENK: Od nauki o aspekcie do nauki aspektu
Agnieszka VOGELGESANG-DONCER: Kilka uwag natemat dydaktyki przekładu tekstów specjalistycznych
Beata ZIARKOWSKA-KUBIAK: Język polski w nauczaniu dzieci niesłyszących – jako ojczysty czy jako obcy?
Recenzje i przeglądy
Ana DIMOVA, Vida JESENŠEK, Pavel PETKOV(red.),Zweisprachige Lexikographie und Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Germanistische Linguistik 184–185). Wyd. Georg Olms, Hildesheim–Zürich–New York 2006 (Monika Bielińska)
Aleksandra ŁYP-BIELECKA, Verben der Nahrungsaufnahme des Deutschen und des Polnischen. Eine semanto-syntaktische Vergleichsanalyse. Seria: Danziger Beiträge zur Germanistik. Wyd. Andrzej Kątny, Frankfurt am Main–Berlin–Bern–Bruexelles–New York–Oxford–Wien 2007 (Jerzy Żmudzki)
Olaf JÄKEL,Metafory w abstrakcyjnych domenach dyskursu. Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków 2003 (Aleksandra Waszczuk)
T. MÜLLER-KALTHOFF, Vorwissen und Navigationshilfen beim Hypertextlernen. Waxmann, Münster 2006 (Paweł Szerszeń)
Jolanta KRIEGER-KNIEJA, Urszula PAPROCKA-PIOTROWSKA(red.), Komunikacja językowa w społeczeństwie informacyjnym – nowe wyzwania dla dydaktyki języków obcych. Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, Lublin 2006 (Jerzy Żmudzki)
Grażyna LEWICKA, Glottodydaktyczne aspekty akwizycji języka drugiego a konstruktywistyczna teoria uczenia się. Oficyna Wydawnicza Atut, Wrocław 2007 (Małgorzata Czarnecka)
Irene KRAMER, Sabine SCHULTE im WALDE, Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie. Eine Studienbibliographie. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim. Stauffenberg Verlag, Brigitte Narr GmbH, Tübingen 2006 (Paweł Szerszeń)
Annelies HÄCKI BUHOFER, Harald BURGER(red.), Phraseology in Motion I. Methoden und Kritik. Akten der Internationalen Tagung zur Phraseologie (Basel 2004). Schneider VerlagHohengehren, Baltmannsweiler 2006; Annelies HÄCKI BUHOFER,
Harald BURGER (red.), Phraseology in Motion II. Theorie und Anwendung. Akten der Internationalen Tagung zur Phraseologie (Basel 2004). Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler 2007 (Czesława Schatte)
Владимир Моисеевич ЛЕЙЧИК (W.M.LEJCZYK), Терминоведеие.Предмет, методы, структура (Издание второе, исправленное и допелненное). УРСС, Москва2006 (Agnieszka Andrychowicz)
Sambor GRUCZA(red.), W kręgu teorii i praktyki lingwistycznej. Księga jubileuszowa poświęcona Profesorowi Jerzemu Lukszynowi z okazji 70. rocznicy urodzin. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2007 (Paweł Szerszeń)
Komunikaty i sprawozdania
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej Stowarzyszenia Germanistów
Polskich „Germanistische Wahrnehmungen der Multimedialität, Multilingualität und Multikulturalität" (Opole 11–13 maja 2007) (Ewa Zwierzchoń-Grabowska)
Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Tendenzen in der linguistischen germanistischen Forschung" Instytut Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Warszawa 26 maja 2007) (Edyta Grotek)
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji naukowej „Kultura – Język – Tezaurus" Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Warszawa 18–19 maja 2007) (Martyna Ocalewicz)
Sprawozdanie z Konferencji Młodych Filologów „Literatura rosyjska w kontekście europejskim" Instytut Rusycystyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Warszawa 30–31 marca 2007) (Justyna Celmer)
CONTENTS / Abstracts
Discussions and articles
Sambor GRUCZA: Text Linguistics vs. Discourse Analysis – on controversies about their subject differentiation
In Polish linguistics, the terms text and discourse are used interchangeably and often imprecisely. Discourse, in Polish linguistics, is either used to describe a dialogue consisting of (a sequence of) verbal utterances or as a synonym of the word text. A direct consequence of this is an imprecise definition of the research subject of both text linguistics and discourse analysis. The present paper attempts to clarify this issue, leading to a conclusion that the essential difference between text linguistics and discourse analysis is that the former merely considers language aspects of the discourse, while the latter also deals with its sociological, ethnological and other aspects.
Elżbieta GAJEK: Language corpora in the training of teachers of foreign languages
Corpus methodologies have a great potential in teaching and learning languages. With the growing amount of electronic texts available on the internet corpus linguistics should be of special interest to language educators, who are constantly being encouraged to use technology in teaching by both European and Polish educational authorities. Using a corpus may help in teacher's professional self-development and in classroom practice. In the article the contribution of technology to the teaching process is presented. Examples cover the use of internet resources, and methods of compilation and analysis teacher's home-made corpora. User-friendly concordance freeware and shareware software is also described. Excerpts from semester projects prepared by students of the Institute of Applied Linguistics, Warsaw University illustrate how home-made small corpora may be used with advanced ESP (English for Specific Purposes) learners. This article is to give practical insight to teachers who may be considering the use of technology and corpus methodology and tools in very demanding teaching contexts and for their own life long learning.
Gabriela GORĄCA: Similarities and interactions between language and music
There are many similarities between language and music. Their common features relate to structure, form and prosody. The interactions between language and music indicate that they can even have a common genesis. It's very hard to give complete definitions of language and music because both are rooted in human nature and developed along with man. Listening of music activates complex processes such as creativity, imagination, memory, critical thinking, analyzing, concentration etc., which are used by learning of foreign languages as well. There is one very important difference between language and music, the last one has no referential character. Instead, it can transport very complicated contents combined with internal state of human soul. Both language and music can influence each other, thus we can assume that the growing-up in the musical environment can have a great impact on learning foreign languages.
Jan GOŚCIŃSKI: Is English teaching in lower secondary schools well organized?
In this article, the author presents the way English lessons are organized in lower secondary schools and assesses its teaching effectiveness. On the basis of questionnaire research conducted in 2005 in 50 schools, he discusses such organizational issues as the division of classes into groups (its rules, the number of lessons conducted in groups, the number of students per group, a command of English among group members and the techniques of teaching groups in which students' command of English varies), the intensity of English teaching (the scheduled number of lessons per week and the number of lessons which do not take place), giving (or not) students the opportunity to continue English learning from the level they represent at the moment of starting their education in lower secondary schools and the number of foreign languages students are taught. The questionnaire research results have been used to discover weak points in the organization of foreign language lessons in lower secondary schools and to suggest several changes which should lead to an increase in the effectiveness of foreign language teaching.
Agata HOFMAN: Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and the individualization of the teaching process of L2
The main aim of the article is to analyze the influence of individualization of the teaching process and didactical implications of Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences upon young learners and teaching strategies. The article firstly briefly presents chosen theories of intelligence and their contribution in what we define intelligence nowadays. Further on, the author presents some aspects of individualization of the education process – during the last century – and their contribution in educational visions nowadays. Finally, a series of lectures in Teacher Training College in Gdańsk – devoted to didactical implications of Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences – is being presented and described. Students of the I, II and III year are introducing the elements of Gardner's theory constructing their micro-teaching plans. Moreover they are trying to put their ideas into practice performing classes – based upon Gardner's theory – with their pupils during their teaching practice. Therefore the main interest of the research is the practical aspect of individualization and promotion of youngest pupils' personal interests and intelligences.
Anna KAŹMIERCZAK: The use of pictures in the development of intercultural communicative competence
The article is devoted to the use of pictures in the developing of intercultural communicative competence. The picture as a nonverbal mean of communication has accompanied people for ages, giving more colour and sense to their lives, being at the same time an interesting form of communication that enables fast processing and storage of information, that means a transparent reception of the stimulus's from the external world. The visual sign is omnipresent and completes or even substitutes the verbal means of communication that's why it has gained an enormous application in the foreign languages didactic. The variety of pictures, from simple pictograms, schematic graphics, though drafts, drawings until photographs and paintings, influences the way of their use in teaching and learning foreign languages. The learner interpreting some visual stimulus's opens the chain of subjective, cultural conditioned experiences and observations that determine the reception, help encoding new materials, keeping them in the memory and winning back the earlier gained knowledge. The picture contributes directly and indirectly to the development of many skills and abilities, evoking the intellect and freeing the emotions, that means engaging the whole person in the act of learning. The effectiveness of the work with pictures depends on the engagement and inventiveness of teachers because there are many possibilities of the pictures application during the foreign languages classes, which are presented in the article.
Roman LEWICKI: Searching for innovative methodological solutions in teaching German in Poland
The present paper aims at shedding some light onto current methodological solutions to teaching German due to its new role and range in the Polish educational system. These solutions suggest a shift away from the notion that a language can be perceived by learners as a fixed system to an emphasis on its negotiability in a social context. They also emphasize language learning rather than language teaching, and view teachers as facilitators of language acquisition. Therefore teachers should introduce such techniques that promote greater student autonomy than was customary in the past. As learning occurs in the process of using language and improvising language samples it is suggested that new methodological solutions accord with holistic learning, collaborative and multidisciplinary teamworking, creativity, adaptiveness, intercultural communication, and problem solving.
Czesława SCHATTE: Advertising materials in teaching advanced foreign language students
Advertisements found in newspapers and journals are an example of genuine, original public texts, which, when used for foreign language teaching, are effective in promoting the students' overall language competence, text competence included. Advertisements are concise, their structure is clear, the language used is up-to-date, pictures are added to facilitate understanding. Proverbs and idioms enhance the students' idiomatic competence, while their culture competence increases due to the quotations from other public texts and/or works of literature. Advertisements also plays a significant role in stimulating language awareness and its purposeful usage, depending on the intention communicative objective the user pursues
Marian SZCZODROWSKI: Foreign-language communication within the framework of output/input and feedback
Foreign-language communication can be investigated in interpersonal contacts in which there is communication in a foreign language, and also in the foreign-language-teaching process. The basic framework of linguistic communication in output/input is created by the primary sender and the primary receiver, linked by a channel of nuclear information and a channel of operational information. However, the functioning of the channel of checking information is conditioned by communication within the framework of feedback. In this framework the partners take different roles. The framework of output/input is characterized by its unilinear impact. Within it, there functions, first, single-channel output/input which is achieved either with the aid of spoken language, or with that of written language. Second, there functions double-channel output/input in which both forms of language (the phonological and graphic) are used simultaneously. Checking information, transferred along with nuclear and operational information from the secondary sender to the secondary receiver in feedback, is an essential measure of the optimal reception and understanding of nuclear information by the primary receiver. It also constitutes the basis for correcting incorrectly uttered and used expressions and/or grammatical forms on the part of the secondary sender.
Hans-Jörg SCHWENK: From the theory of aspect to the teaching of aspect
The present paper deals with the category of aspect as it occurs in Slavic Languages in general and in Polish in particular and the way it is treated by the authors of textbooks of Polish designed to serve the needs of non-native speakers whose mother tongue lacks the morphological distinction of perfective and imperfective verbs. Special attention is paid to teaching problems which arise from both the nature and the theory of aspect. It could be shown that teaching and learning strategies which aim at enhancing problem-solving skills in the field of aspect cannot be developed at all levels and independently of theoretical issues. The latter, however, as it seems, have to undergo a critical revision thus giving birth to valuable and reliable didactic concepts leading to more efficiency and more satisfying results.
Agnieszka VOGELGESANG-DONCER: Several remarks on teaching languages for special purposes in LSP translation teaching
The following article is an attempt to polemize with some stereotypes about translating of special languages. One of such stereotypes is that the translator should have an excellent knowledge of two languages and of the field which the text concerns. On the ground of the analysis there has been tried to show that the consciousness of the specificity of the special languages with their vertical and horizontal stratification and of the complex relations between terms and notions and the ability to identify the translating problems can stand for the professional knowledge. The author shows it on examples from the German and the Polish language witch have been found in the German-Polish Dictionary of Science and Technology edited by M. Sokołowska, A. Bender and K. Żak, and in the German-Polish Dictionary of Sanitary Engineering edited by E. Krzemińska-Niemiec.
Beata ZIARKOWSKA-KUBIAK: Teaching Polish to deaf children – as a mother tongue or a foreign language?
The present article is focused on teaching Polish language in the school for the deaf, with the particular interest in the creative language abilities of deaf children. Author underlines that her pupils find Polish language not as easy as other children find their mother tongue. She tries to teach them Polish as foreign language. It is very important to adapt methods of teaching to needs and abilities of deaf children. In the present article some texts of deaf children are presented to show how creative they can be in using Polish and how difficult this language is for them.
Reviews and Notices
Ana DIMOVA, Vida JESENŠEK, Pavel PETKOV(red.), Zweisprachige Lexikographie und Deutsch als Fremdsprache (Germanistische Linguistik 184–185). Wyd. Georg Olms, Hildesheim–Zürich–New York 2006 (Monika Bielińska)
Aleksandra ŁYP-BIELECKA, Verben der Nahrungsaufnahme des Deutschen und des Polnischen. Eine semanto-syntaktische Vergleichsanalyse. Seria: Danziger Beiträge zur Germanistik. Wyd. Andrzej Kątny. Frankfurt am Main–Berlin–Bern–Bruexelles–New York–Oxford–Wien 2007 (Jerzy Żmudzki)
Olaf JÄKEL, Metafory w abstrakcyjnych domenach dyskursu. Wydawnictwo Universitas, Kraków 2003 (Aleksandra Waszczuk)
T. MÜLLER-KALTHOFF, Vorwissen und Navigationshilfen beim Hypertextlernen. Waxmann, Münster 2006 (Paweł Szerszeń)
Jolanta KRIEGER-KNIEJA, Urszula PAPROCKA-PIOTROWSKA (red.), Komunikacja językowa w społeczeństwie informacyjnym – nowe wyzwania dla dydaktyki języków obcych. Towarzystwo Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego Jana Pawła II, Lublin 2006 (Jerzy Żmudzki)
Grażyna LEWICKA, Glottodydaktyczne aspekty akwizycji języka drugiego a konstruktywistyczna
teoria uczenia się. Oficyna Wydawnicza Atut, Wrocław 2007 (Małgorzata Czarnecka)
Irene KRAMER, Sabine SCHULTE im WALDE, Computerlinguistik und Sprachtechnologie. Eine Studienbibliographie. Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim. Stauffenberg Verlag, Brigitte Narr GmbH, Tübingen 2006 (Paweł Szerszeń)
Annelies HÄCKI BUHOFER, Harald BURGER(red.), Phraseology in Motion I. Methoden und Kritik. Akten der Internationalen Tagung zur Phraseologie (Basel 2004). Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler 2006;
Annelies HÄCKI BUHOFER, Harald BURGER (red.), Phraseology in Motion II. Theorie und Anwendung. Akten der Internationalen Tagung zur Phraseologie (Basel 2004). Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, Baltmannsweiler 2007 (Czesława SChatte)
ВладимирМоисеевичЛЕЙЧИК(W.M.LEJCZYK), Терминоведеие.Предмет, методы, структура(Изданиевторое, исправленноеидопелненное). УРСС, Москва2006 (Agnieszka Andrychowicz)
Sambor GRUCZA(red.), W kręgu teorii i praktyki lingwistycznej. Księga jubileuszowa poświęcona Profesorowi Jerzemu Lukszynowi z okazji 70. rocznicy urodzin. Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2007 (Paweł Szerszeń)
News and Reports
Report on annual international scientific conference of the Polish Germanists Society "Germanistische Wahrnehmungen der Multimedialität, Multilingualität und Multikulturalität" – "German approach to multimedia, as well as multilingual and multicultural matters" (Opole 11th –13th of May 2007) (Ewa Zwierzchoń-Grabowska)
Report on the conference "Tendenzen in der linguistischen germanistischen Forschung" – "Trends in the German linguistic education" (Warsaw 26th of May 2007) (Edyta Grotek)
Report on the international scientific conference "Kultura – Język – Tezaurus" – "Culture – Language – Thesaurus" (Warsaw 18th –19th of May 2007) (Martyna Ocalewicz)
Report on the Conference of Young Philologists "Literatura rosyjska w kontekście
europejskim" – "Russian literature in the European context" (Warszawa 30th –31th of March 2007) (Justyna Celmer)