Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 20 (2004)


Rozprawy i artykuły

Franciszek GRUCZA: Glottodydaktyka: nauka – praca naukowa – wiedza
Joanna LEWIŃSKA: Analiza metakognitywnych oraz kognitywnych strategii czytania w języku angielskim
Magdalena OLPIŃSKA: O przyszłości języków obcych w szkole wobec dominacji języka angielskiego
Paweł SZERSZEŃ: Badania z zakresu wspieranego komputerowo nauczania języków obcych w Niemczech

Recenzje i przeglądy

Henri de BRESSON: Nowe Niemcy, W.A.B., Warszawa 2003 (Agnieszka DICKEL)
Dietmar RÖSLER: E-Learning Fremdsprachen – eine kritische Einführung, Stauffenburg Verlag, Tübingen 2004 (Magdalena OLPIŃSKA)
Sambor GRUCZA: Od lingwistyki tekstu do lingwistyki tekstu specjalistycznego, Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych UW, Warszawa 2004 (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)

Komunikaty i sprawozdania

Warszawski uczony na czele światowego towarzystwa germanistycznego: profesor Franciszek Grucza nowym prezydentem Międzynarodowego Stowarzyszenia Germanistów (Hans-Jörg SCHWENK, Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
Międzynarodowa coroczna konferencja naukowa Stowarzyszenia Germanistów Polskich (Kraków, 22–24 kwietnia 2005 r.) (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
Sprawozdanie z konferencji Katedry Języków Specjalistycznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)


Jan LEWANDOWSKI: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego i polonistyki zagranicznej za lata 2001–2004 (część II)


CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Franciszek GRUCZA: Glottodidactics: science – scientific work – knowledge

In this treatise the author further develops his earlier ideas about implications of the statement that glottodidactics is a science. But before answering the question: "What does the word `glotto­didactics' refer to?", it must first be reiterated what the word "science" means in general. New com­ments are also needed on the objectives of institutional science, its particular branches and on relationships between academic science and academic didactics.

The author briefly describes the results of his latest in-depth analyses of what the word "know­ledge" refers to and the conclusions drawn from them with respect to the question about the nature (ontological status) of its designata and denotata. He also discusses the relationships between what particular persons really know about the world (their world knowledge) and their languages (linguistic knowledge), linguistic factors in the processes of persons acquiring knowledge and the acts of its transference. He tries to make a classification of real knowledge and shows its impact on the image of tasks (subjects) of institutional (professional) knowledge.

The last part sums up the results of the aforesaid analyses, which must be taken into con­sideration when dealing with the question of the status of glottodidactics to satisfy the requirements of (meta)science.

Joanna LEWIŃSKA: Analysis of metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies in the English language

The article presents the analysis of second language reading: main reading skills and reading sub-skills. Additionally, the typology of metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies is discussed in detail in the first part of the article. The main objective of the second part of the article was to evaluate the knowledge of metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies among Polish second language learners. The results of the conducted study reveal correlation between reading strategies and reading comprehension level. At the end of the article pedagogical implications of the study are presented.

Magdalena OLPIŃSKA: On the future of foreign languages in schools and the domination of the English language

The article presents an analysis of the future of foreign languages teaching (e.g. German, French, etc.) at schools (primary and secondary schools) in comparison to the domination of the English language. The author describes the changes in foreign language teaching at Polish schools, showing the effects of changes of the curriculum since 1484. Additionally, it is pointed out that the know­ledge of foreign languages is not only a guarantee for a successful professional life, but also seems to be one of the most important qualifications of a modern person. Finally the question is being asked how the Polish educational system reacts on the growing demand for foreign language teach­ing. A postulate is being put forward that foreign language teaching should start at a younger age and conclusions deriving from it are discussed in details.

Paweł SZERSZEŃ: Research on computer assisted foreign language teaching in Germany

The focus of this article is an attempt to look in a synthetic way at the subject of computer as­sisted foreign language teaching. It analyses the results of German researchers from the perspective of possibilities offered by the computer in the glottodidactic process. The first part of the article describes the subject in general, and then discusses the terms referring to the field of research. Chapter III is an attempt at a cross section presentation of the subject of computer application to foreign language teaching, and Chapter IV estimates particular possibilities of using "new media" in teaching languages, although it pays more attention to the chances and advantages of the Internet and computer use, together with so-called storing media (CD-ROM, DVD). It also discusses questions concerning computer assisted developing of chosen language skills.

Reviews and Notices

Henri de BRESSON: Nowe Niemcy, W.A.B., Warszawa 2003 (Agnieszka DICKEL)
Dietmar RÖSLER: E-Learning Fremdsprachen – eine kritische Einführung, Stauffenburg Verlag, Tübingen 2004 (Magdalena OLPIŃSKA)
Sambor GRUCZA: Od lingwistyki tekstu do lingwistyki tekstu specjalistycznego, Katedra Języków Specjalistycznych UW, Warszawa 2004 (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)

News and Reports

Warsawscientist heading the Germanists' world society: Professor Grucza the new President of the International Germanists' Society (Hans-Jörg SCHWENK, Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
International annual conference of the Polish Germanists' Society (Kraków, 22–24 April 2005) (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)
Report on the conference of the Warsaw University's Faculty of Languages for Specific Purposes (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)


Jan LEWANDOWSKI: Bibliography of publications in the field of teaching Polish as a foreign language and Polish philology abroad in the years 2001–2004 (part II)