Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 18 (2002)

Spis treści

Rozprawy i artykuły

Barbara Zofia Kielar: Aspekty komunikacyjne i funkcjonalne tłumaczenia w dydaktyce translacyjnej
Ryszard Lipczuk: O tłumaczeniu germanizmów
Renate Rathmayr: Język specjalistyczny – negocjacje i prezentacje
Jank Koźbiał: Intonacja – metodyczne aspekty kształcenia wymowy
Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska: Team teaching wczoraj i dziś
Agnieszka Kulczyńska: Tekst informacyjny w języku obcym. Kryteria zrozumiałości


Janusz Golec: Historia i dzień dzisiejszy germanistyki UMCS
Jerzy Jeszke: Z przeszłości i teraźniejszości germanistyki KUL


Dieter Kliche, Georg Michel, Karl-Ernst Sommerfeldt: Wőrterbuch fűr denn Deutschunterricht. Begriffe und Definitionen, Volk und Wissen Verlag, Berlin 1996. (Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska)
Ida Kurcz: Psychologia języka i komunikacji, Wydanictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2000 (Sambor Grucza)
Waldemar Pfeiffer: Nauka języków obcych. Od praktyki do praktyki, Wagros, Poznań 2001 (Sambor Grucza)
Francis J. Buckley: Team teaching. What, why, and how?, Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks, California 2000 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)
Lucyna Wille, Zdzisław Wawrzyniak: Deutsch und Englisch im glottodidaktischen Gefűge, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Rzeszów 2001 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliografia prac z zakresu nauczania języka polskiego jako obcego i polonistyki zagranicznej za lata 1996-2000 (uzupełnienie)


Contents / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Barbara Zofia Kielar: Communicative and functional aspects of translation and translational didactics

Translation proper must take account of communicative and functional factors. The author looks for answers to the following questions: (1) The adoption of which model of translation is conducive to the proper covering of commu­nicative and functional aspects of translation in the process of translation teaching (learning)? (2) At which stage of translation activities must the decisions be made about how to translate a given text?  (3)How ought a basic plan of teaching translation be devised?

Ryszard Lipczuk: Abort translation of germanisms

The author of the article deals with a problem of translating Polish words of German origin into German. The analysis of selected words has been carried out text samples taken from Polish lit­erature and its German translations. The author distinguishes two types of relations between equivalents: 1. The lack of a word of analogous (German) etymology in present-day German: 2. The existence of a German equivalent, similar in form but different in meaning (false friends of the translator).

Renate Rathmayr: Specialist language – negotiation and presentations

In the article devoted to teaching specialist language, the author considers two didactic modcls I. Technique of negotiation as the ability to express interests of negotiation participants through the dialog based on professional language; 2. Technique of presentations as the art of expressing specialist subjects - in the i'orm of a monologuc. The illustrations are addressed to German­speaking students of economy learning Russian.

Jank Koźbiał: Intonation – the methodological aspects of pronunciation teaching
Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska: Team teaching – yesterday and nowadays

In the article devoted to methodical aspects of pronunciation training in foreign languages, the author- assumes that intonation is the fundamental aspect of pronunciation from the point of' view of' communication. The basis for teaching should be linguistically correct models of' intonation. The author introduces his own model of' intonation that integrates three phonetic parameters: 0-frequency, intensity and quantity He also discusses the problem of' efficient teaching intonation of' German as a foreign language.

Agnieszka Kulczyńska: Expository text In a foreign language. Criteria of comprehensibility

The article is concerned with the problem of comprehensibility~' of expository texts read in a L2 in an academic context. The author presents the main points of the discussion on readability for­mulas and on threshold hypothesis. In her view, a specific, genre-oriented approach to the question would yield interesting results. The article goes on to present the textual features of expository texts: their thematic progression, information density, as well as the question of shared knowledge, The article ends with a proposal for a set of criteria of comprehensibility based on the author's dis­cussion of expository} text's features.


Janusz Golec: History and nowadays of German philology UMCS
Jerzy Jeszke: From the past and the prezent of German philology KUL

Reviews and notices

Dieter Kliche, Georg Michel, Karl-Ernst Sommerfeldt: Wőrterbuch fűr denn Deutschunterricht. Begriffe und Definitionen, Volk und Wissen Verlag, Berlin 1996.(Ewa Tomczyk-Popińska)
Ida Kurcz: Psychologia języka i komunikacji, Wydanictwo Naukowe Scholar, Warszawa 2000 (Sambor Grucza)
Waldemar Pfeiffer: Nauka języków obcych. Od praktyki do praktyki, Wagros, Poznań 2001 (Sambor Grucza)
Francis J. Buckley: Team teaching. What, why, and how?, Sage Publications, Inc.,Thousand Oaks, California 2000 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)
Lucyna Wille, Zdzisław Wawrzyniak: Deutsch und Englisch im glottodidaktischen Gefűge, Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej, Rzeszów 2001 (Ewa Alicja Moszczyńska)


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliography of publications In the field of teaching Polish as a foreign language and Polish philology adroad during the years 1996-2000 (supplement)