Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 25 (2008)
Rozprawy i artykuły
Barbara Skowronek: Glottodydaktyka a lingwistyka
Stanisław Szadyko: Skrótowce w rosyjskim i polskim technolekcie Bussines Communikation
Małgorzata Dawidziak-Kładoczna: Wykorzystanie strategii ludycznych w nauczaniu dzieci języka polskiego jako obcego
Anna Król: Zintegrowany rozwój kompetencji leksykalnej w dydaktyce języka specjalistycznego
Artur Dariusz Kubacki: Analiza ilościowa i jakościowa derywatów z–ung w niemieckim języku prawniczo ekonomicznym
Joanna Lewińska: Porównanie poziomu zrozumienia tekstów czytanych oraz słyszanych w języku angielskim
Elżbieta Markiewicz-Pławecka: Akceptowalność glottodydaktyczna. Na przykładzie dydaktyki języka polskiego jako obcego
Włodzimierz Majewski: Fonosemantyka apreparacja i ewaluacja materiałów glottodydaktycznych
Reinhold Utri: Filmy jako możliwość interkulturowego uczenia się - na podstawie amerykańskiego filmu „Moje wielkie greckie wesele" i austriackiego filmu „I love Vienna"
Joanna Lewińska: Wykorzystanie głównych założeń koncepcji metapoznawczych w badaniach poświęconych recepcji informacji w języku angielskim
Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej
Krzysztof Nerlicki: Dzienniczki i ich rola we wspieraniu świadomości uczeniowej i komunikacyjnej studentów neofilologii – studium przypadku
Maryna Ocalewicz: Akademicka nauka języków specjalistycznych w Niemczech w ramach kształcenia tłumaczy tekstów specjalistycznych
Recenzje i przeglądy
Bernadetta M. Puchalska-Dąbrowska„Literatura angielska. Zarys dziejów. Skrypt dla studentów filologii polskiej". Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku 2003, 178 str. (Krzysztof Fordoński)
PrzemysławChojnowski, Zur Strategie und Poethik des Übersetzens, Frank&Timme Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur, Berlin, 2005, wydanie pierwsze, 298 str. (Agnieszka Dickel)
Jürgen Schiewe, Ryszard Lipczuk, Werner Westphal(ed.), Kompetenz, Diskurs, Kontakt. Sprachphänomene in der Diskussion, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2006, 226 str. (Paweł Szerszeń)
Katarzyna Grzywka, Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec, Małgorzata Grabowska, Małgorzata Kosacka, Robert Małecki(ed.), Kultura – Literatura – Język. Prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Lechowi Kolago w 65. rocznicę urodzin, Instytut Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2007, 991 str. (Joanna Osiejewicz)
Werner Forner, Stephan Habscheid(ed.), Sprachliche und fachliche Kompetenzen: zwei Seiten eines Blattes? 20 Jahre Siegener Institut für Sprachen in Beruf, Peter Lang, 2006, 149 str. (Paweł Szerszeń)
Monika Schwarz, Jeannette Chur, Semantik. Ein Arbeitsbuch, Gunter Narr Verlag: Tübingen, 2007, 5 wydanie, 227 str. (Martyna Ocalweicz)
Lech Zieliński, Marek Chamota(ed.), Narody w Europie. Tożsamość i wzajemne postrzeganie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane, Bydgoszcz 2007, 507 str. (Reinhold Utri)
Stephan Habscheid, Werner Holly, Frank Kleemann, Ingo Matuschek, G. Günter Voß(ed.) Über Geld spricht man… Kommunikationsarbeit und medienvermittelte Arbeitskommunikation im Bankgeschäft, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2006, 327 str. (Joanna Osiejewicz)
Paul Kußmaul, Verstehen und Übersetzen, Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Gunter Narr Verlag,
Tübingen, 2007, 1 wydanie, 217 str. (Martyna Ocalweicz)
Hans-Jürgen Krumm(ed.), Sprachenvielfalt. Babylonische Sprachverwirrung oder Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance? Studienverlag 2003, Innsbruck, Wien, München, Bozen; 201 str. (Reinhold Utri)
Marion Wörrlein, Der Simultandolmetschprozess. Eine empirische Untersuchung, Martin Meidenbauer Verlag 2007, München, 147 str. (Anna Bajerowska)
CONTENTS / Abstracts
Discussions and articles
Barbara Skowronek: Glottodidactis and linguistics
What makes foreign language learning and teaching unique is that it is both a subject of learning/teaching and a means of communication. Therefore a linguistic approach cannot be ignored in the integrated research of foreign language teaching reality. Treating the language as an ideal abstract being means, from the language teaching point of view, focusing on teaching process itself and knowledge about language mainly (the instructive approach). Treating natural human languages only as human feature means, from the language teaching point of view, focusing on the process of learning of the communicative use of a language mainly (the constructive approach). What we are interested in such an approach which is based on cooperation between learning and teaching of a language treated as an intercultural and intersemiotic sign system to be used for communication purpose and aiming at the linguistic correctness.
Stanisław Szadyko: Acronims in the Russian and Polish technolect Bussines Communication
Małgorzata Dawidziak-Kładoczna: Use of strategies In teaching children Polish as a foreign language
Anna Król: Integrated development as an effective way of teaching vocabulary in LSP pedagogy
This article aims at presenting integrated development as an effective way of teaching vocabulary in LSP pedagogy. Underlying theoretical assumptions are chiefly derived from F. Grucza's relativistic theory of human languages and pragmatic aspects of foreign language learning. Such development is presented in contrast to an isolated approach, and is shown as (1) integrated with general language (2) integrated with all four skills (3) integrated with the grammatical competence (4) context-embedded (4) integrated with subject-specific (specialist) knowledge. Importantly, none of these stages should be treated as superior or inferior, and their simultaneous and balanced development is perceived as an effective way of teaching foreign languages.
Artur Dariusz Kubacki: Qualitatively and quantitatively analysis of derivatives with the suffix –ung appearing in German legal and economic language
In the article, the author qualitatively and quantitatively examines the derivatives with the suffix -ung which appear in a German legal and economic text. They are formed from transitive, intransitive and reflexive verbs. 1052 derivatives with the suffix -ung have been found in the corpus. By comparing the derivatives with the suffix -ung with the nominal derivatives formed by means of other formatives, it has been established that the suffix -ung forms the largest number of derivatives. The derivatives with the suffix -ung found in the corpus belong to all semantic classes distinguished in the German and Polish linguistic literature, excluding the class of collective names. All the derivatives with the suffix -ung are formed from verbs. Adjectival and substantival derivation has not been found. From a derivational point of view, the derivatives with the suffix -ung are formed from: simple, prefixal, suffixal, prefixal and suffixal verbs, verbs with an adverb or its part, a verbal syntagm and two or more morphemes. Compounds, among which two-component compounds dominate, constitute the biggest group of the derivatives with the suffix -ung. All compounds belong to the type of determinative compounds.
Joanna Lewińska: The comparison of comprehension level while reading and listening in English
Many linguists stress the similarities between reading and listening in a foreign language (cf. E. Benedycka 1980, A. Paliński 1989, M. Tiker 1980). The purpose of the article was to compare the level of comprehension while reading and listening in English. After theoretical considerations, in which the similarities between comprehension while reading and listening were discussed, the principles of preparing tests of receptive skills were analysed. In the final part of the article, the major assumptions and the results of the conducted experiment were presented. The results of the conducted experiment confirmed the hypothesis that there are similarities between the level of comprehension while reading and listening in English. It seems that the obtained results should encourage the glottodidactic researchers to work out similar methods of teaching both reading and listening.
Elżbieta Markiewicz-Pławecka: Consideration of the conception of the acceptability of the second language acquisition
The aim of the article is a reflection on the foreign language speakers' expressions in Polish which cannot be treated as proper, not being incorrect at the same time. Language mistake is generally considered as a deviation, however, in case of Polish–learning foreigners, it is treated as a departure from accepted glottodidactic norms. The article analyses the problem of acceptability in native speakers' expressions and compares them with the foreigners' sentences in Polish. In the context of Polish as a foreign language, acceptability is treated in a different way than in the native speakers' case because foreigners do not have their sense of language and competence. Acceptability as such is rarely a field of scholars' interests despite being an important problem, often encountered both by students and by teachers of Polish.
Włodzimierz Majewski: Phonosemantics and the preparation and evaluation of foreign language teaching material
This paper discusses the possibility of applying phonosemantics in foreign language teaching, with a special focus on preparation and evaluation of material. Teaching materials constitute the basis of foreign language teaching, and may serve either to facilitate or to hinder both the organisation and the process of teaching and learning. They are also vital for learning motivation.
The author suggests the possibility of text selection according to factors such as the degree of suggestiveness and phonosemantic meaning in the text. Information perception depends to a large extent on the attitude of the recipient and on his or her emotional state. A suggestion enables us to change attitudes and emotional states, while phonosemantic meaning correlates closely with emotional states and recipients' attitudes.
In order to evaluate text suggestiveness and phonosemantic text/word meaning, the author has conducted research with the use of ‘Diaton' computer software (Slovodel version). Forty–four texts from secondary school–leaving examination papers in Russian have been analysed (published in Język rosyjski. Arkusze maturalne. Kraków 2005). School–leaving examinations often cause high anxiety and unsuitably chosen texts can subconsciously influence negative emotions, affecting exam results. Analysis of research results demonstrates that the majority of the texts chosen (25 out of 44) can negatively affect emotional states and individual perception.
Reinhold Utri: Films as apossibility of intercultural learning – on the basis of the American film "My big fat Greek wedding" and the Austrian film "Ilove Vienna"
For some years now scientists have been dealing with multicultural and intercultural phenomena. After presenting definitions of interculturalism and the differences to integration (the integration policy in Germany for foreigners in the 70s) and assimilation the author states that nowadays teachers start to understand the problem of migration and therefore multicultural and multilingual classrooms better. Many teachers try to avoid discrimination and take advantage of an additional culture/language as a certain value. Teachers of different subjects can deal with the topics of discrimination, migration, foreignness, tolerance etc. One example how to start dealing with those subjects and to motivate students to think these topics over are films. On the example of two films, a recent, American (contact of a big, funny and relaxed family with an educated, well – behaved American one, on the occasion of the wedding of their daughter and respectively son) and an Austrian film from the early 90s – an Iranian guy, former German teacher in his home country, comes to Vienna, taking his teenaged son and sister with him and tries hard to start a new life in Vienna, trying to hold on to his Muslim principles. The contact to the Viennese reality and the outcoming situations and conflicts turn the film into an entertaining comedy – and finally both the Arabs and the Austrians have to learn from each other. It is shown that a teacher can work with a film as a medium to reach his goal of discussing the current global topic of migration and foreign cultures.
Joanna Lewińska: The application of metacognitive knowledge in receiving information while reading and listening in English
Metacognitive knowledge refers to knowledge and beliefs about indispensable elements of learning. Flavell (1987) assumed that metacognitive knowledge may be helpful in learning in general. He distinguished three types of knowledge that constitute metacognitive framework of leaning in general: person knowledge, task knowledge, and strategic knowledge. Person knowledge refers to knowledge about affective and cognitive variables influencing learning. Task knowledge includes knowledge about the purpose of the task, the task's demands, the expected outcome of it. Strategic knowledge includes the general knowledge about the strategies, how and when they are used.
The purpose of the article was to present the major assumptions of the experiment based on Flavell's (1987) model. In the conducted experiment three types of knowledge while reading and listening in English of second language learners were evaluated: person knowledge, task knowledge and strategic knowledge. What is more, the correlation between three types of metacognitive knowledge and the level of comprehension while reading and listening in English was established. The results of the experiment show that metacognitive knowledge is indispensable in teaching reading and listening in a foreign language. In the final part of the article, glottodidactic suggestions, aimed at developing metacognitive awareness of second language readers and listeners are presented.
Glottodidactics at University
Krzysztof Nerlicki: Using diaries to promote German philology students' language awareness – a case study
Diary studies are first–person case study research with exploratory–interpretative methods. The diarist systematically records events, strategies, and feelings in natural context of language learning. There is evidence that diary writing help students to evaluate their own learning and promotes reflection in learning. It assists students in verbalizing their personal beliefs about SLA. A study reports on a diary kept by a female first–year, German philology student. The diary provides a rich source of informations about her growths and problems in learning and using German. It is concluded that diary writing has good potential to increase student language awareness and to change some beliefs about nature of language learning.
Martyna Ocalewicz: Academic LSP teaching in Germany as apart of LSP translators education
The paper is a continuation of a discussion on LSP education begun in "Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny", issue No. 23. One of possible goals in language teaching, translators training reports still growing interest in LSP, which increases the demand for such education. Translators training institutions include three groups: universities, higher schools and other training centres. Based on available sources the article analyzes current didactic offer of academic centres and provides information on addresses, admissions procedures, structures of studies with short descriptions of academic subjects, grading systems, graduate profiles and professional titles.
Reviews and notices
Bernadetta M. Puchalska-Dąbrowska, „Literatura angielska. Zarys dziejów. Skrypt dla studentów filologii polskiej". Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu wBiałymstoku 2003, 178 str. (Krzysztof Fordoński)
Przemysław Chojnowski, Zur Strategie und Poethik des Übersetzens, Frank&Timme Verlag für wissenschaftliche Literatur, Berlin, 2005, wydanie pierwsze, 298 str. (Agnieszka Dickel)
Jürgen Schiewe, Ryszard Lipczuk, Werner Westphal (ed.), Kompetenz, Diskurs, Kontakt. Sprachphänomene in der Diskussion, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 2006, 226 str. (Paweł Szerszeń)
Katarzyna Grzywka, Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec, Małgorzata Grabowska, Małgorzata Kosacka, Robert Małecki(ed.), Kultura – Literatura – Język. Prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Lechowi Kolago w 65. rocznicę urodzin, Instytut Germanistyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Warszawa 2007, 991 str. (Joanna Osiejewicz)
Werner Forner, Stephan Habscheid (ed.), Sprachliche und fachliche Kompetenzen: zwei Seiten eines Blattes? 20 Jahre Siegener Institut für Sprachen in Beruf, Peter Lang, 2006, 149 str. (Paweł Szerszeń)
Monika Schwarz, Jeannette Chur, Semantik. Ein Arbeitsbuch, Gunter Narr Verlag: Tübingen, 2007, 5 wydanie, 227 str. (Martyna Ocalewicz) Lech Zieliński, Marek Chamota (ed.), Narody w Europie. Tożsamość i wzajemne postrzeganie. Wydawnictwo Uczelniane, Bydgoszcz 2007, 507 str. (Reinhold Utri)
Stephan Habscheid, Werner Holly, Frank Kleemann, Ingo Matuschek, G. Günter Voß (ed.) Über Geld spricht man… Kommunikationsarbeit und medienvermittelte Arbeitskommunikation im Bankgeschäft, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften / GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2006, 327 str. (Joanna Osiejewicz)
Paul Kußmaul, Verstehen und Übersetzen, Ein Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch. Gunter Narr Verlag, Tübingen, 2007, 1 wydanie, 217 str. (Martyna Ocalewicz)
Hans-Jürgen Krumm (ed.), Sprachenvielfalt. Babylonische Sprachverwirrung oder Mehrsprachigkeit als Chance? Studienverlag 2003, Innsbruck, Wien, München, Bozen; 201 str. (Reinhold Utri)
Marion Wörrlein, Der Simultandolmetschprozess. Eine empirische Untersuchung, Martin Meidenbauer Verlag 2007, München, 147 str. (Anna Bajerowska)