Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 2 (1978)

Spis treści


Rozprawy i artykuły

Stanisław P. KACZMARSKI: Rola i znaczenie języka ojczystego w nauczaniu języków obcych
Ewa SIARKIEWICZ: Efektywność nauczania języka angielskiego w laboratorium językowym
Zuzanna DZIĘGIELEWSKA: Mikronauczanie - założenia i podstawowe pojęcia
Włodzimierz KOROZ: Z zagadnień pragmatyki lingwistycznej
Gunnar OLESSEN: Nauczanie Języków obcych w Danii i w sąsiednich krajach Skandynawskich

Glottodydaktyka w szkole wyższej

Franciszek GRUCZA: Nauka języków obcych w systemie lektoratowym
Edmund A. RONOWICZ: Zróżnicowanie form organizacyjno-metodycznych lektoratu języka obcego w uniwersytetach w zależności od końcowych celów nauczania
Mikołaj MAKAL: Z dyskusji o lektoratach języków obcych na łamach czasopism pedagogicznych

Recenzje i przeglądy

L. Mellgren i M. Walker, New Horizons in English. Reading, books 1-6 (Jerzy Bogucki)
Ronald Wardhaugh, Topics in Applied Linguistics (Maria Dakowska)
D. A. Wilkins, Notional Syllabuses (Stanisław Wojnicki)
JI. C. Bapxyдapoв, Язык иnepeвoд (Mirosława Kucharska)
O. A. Kpылoвa, C. A. Xaвpoнинa, Пopядoкcjiob b pyccкомязыкe (Iwona Banach-Suchowierska)
O. Д. Mитрофановa, 3. Ю.Coceнкo (pед.), 3кcnepимeнтальные исследования b методике npeподавания pyccкогo языкa кaк иностранного (Krystyna Chomicz-Jung)
Rene Richterich, Niicolas Scherer, Communication orale e't apprentissage des langues (Pratique pedagogique) (Anna Jozefowicz)
Robert Galisson, Daniel Coste(ed.), Dictionaire de didactique des langues (Wanda Zor)
,,Praxis des neusprachlichen Unterrichts", vol. 23, nr 1-4 (Włodzimierz Korcz)
Alojzy Brzeski, O nauczaniu mówienia w języku obcym (Danuta Brzozowska)

Sprawozdania i informacje

V Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, Białowieża, 26 - 28 maja 1977 (Iwona Banach-Suchowiersk)
American English for Poles, audiowizualny kurs języka angielskiego - odmiany amerykańskiej (Andrzej Kopczyński)


Jan Lewandowski: Czasopisma glottodydaktyczne (wybór)


Contents / Abstracts


Discussions and Articles

Stanislaw P. KACZMARSKI: The Role and Significance of LI in Foreign Language Teaching

The paper discusses the role and significance of LI in foreign language acquisi­tion with reference to modern glottodidactic theories and current controversies resulting from the three attitudes towards L2 teaching exemplified in grammar -- oriented, notional and eclectic syllabuses. It also deals with the concepts of ,,language practice" and ,,language experience" and stresses the importance of grammatical competence as a factor contributing to the adequate transmission and reception of information in verbal communication. Another problem dealt with in the paper is the assessment of mono- and bilingual approaches to foreign language didactics not only from the theoretical (linguistic and psychological) point of view, but also in terms of practical suggestions concerning syllabus design as well as teaching materials and techniques. The final part of the paper provides a discussion of language transfer, error analysis, contrastive analysis and the concept of ,,interlanguage" and their relevance to L2 teaching and learning.

While emphasising the significance of consciousness in the process of acquiring L2 grammatical system it is argued that the learners' assimilating strategy should be facilitated by enabling them to make formal and semantic associations between LI and L2 grammatical and lexical items. Hence the following two types of syllabuses, reference materials and didactic procedures are postulated: (a) based on the analysis of L2 in contrast with LI for the teaching of receptive skills and (b) on the basis of the analysis of LI in contrast with L2 for the sake of teaching productive skills. Bilingual comparison not only makes it possible for the learner to grasp semantic meanings of L2 structures, but also gives him a chance to make a synthesis of many scattered L2 grammatical and lexical elements in the form of a coherent oral or written text of his own.

Ewa SIARKIEWICZ: The Effectiveness of Teaching English as a Foreign Language in the Laboratory

In 1975 the English Department of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań made an analysis of the effectiveness of language laboratory teaching at the English Departments throughout Poland. The study concerned all fourth year students and was based on the questionnaires containing 21 groups of questions. The first group of questions dealt with the students themselves (their age, course of lan­guage study, grades, foreign travels, etc.), the next five groups contained questions about the students' motivation and attitude to the language learning and the English culture, the remainder dealing with the language laboratory proper. The |T obtained data were processed with the help of a computer program — the Sta­tistical Package for Social Sciences.

The article discusses in detail the answers filled in the questionnaires con­cerning motivation and its differentiations among the students. Some correlation has been found between the type of motivation and the students' attitude to the language laboratory. The general conclusion to be drawn from the .study is low motivation on the part of the fourth year students. There have also been discussed students' opinions on the subject of materials used in the laboratory, as well as various types of classes distinguished on the basis of different target skills they purport to teach. It seems worth noting that half the students suggested that the difficulty of the materials to be be used should be increased. The article points to the necessity of closer integrating the laboratory with the classroom.

Zuzanna DZIEJGIELEWSKA:Microteaching. Assumptions and Basic Concepts

The article presents theoretically the problems of microteaching as one of the techniques of teacher training, especially of foreign language teachers. The author presents in detailed way the phases of work with students using the technique of microteaching discussing the advantages and the disadvantages of this way of carrying out teacher training classes. The author discusses also the place of microteaching in glottodidactics.

Wlodzimierz KORCZ: Some Problems of Linguistic Pragmatics

The article is a short overview. It mentions chosen problems from the field of linguistic pragmatics. The contribution of British ordinary language philosophy has been accentuated. General tendencies in linguistics during the last 20 years have been indicated, which have led to contemporary attempts at pragmatic ana­lysis of language. Some aspects of D. Wunderldch's ,,Sprechhandlungtheorie" have been presented.

The need has been indicated to analyze the results of research in linguistic pragmatics from the point of view of their possible integration with the theory and practice of glottodidactics.

Gunnar OLESSEN: Foreign Language Teaching in Denmark and its Scandinavian Neighbours

The importance of foreign language learning is fully understood in Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries. In 1975 a school reform was carried out in Denmark, introducing a 10-year primary school, which lays heavy stress on FLL. Children have the possibility of studying 4 foreign languages (English, Ger­man, Latin and French), as well as Swedish and Norwegian, which, however are not considered foreign languages. Secondary school gives further opporunities for those students interested in FLL, offering classes of a special linguistic profile. Norway and Sweden have a similar system of schooling. The author also discusses in some detail the methods and objectives relating to individual languages in pri­mary and secondary school background. FLT in college, as it is the case in Po­land, does not exist in the Scandinavian countries.

Glottodidactics at University

Franciszek GRUCZA: Foreign Language Teaching at the College Level

The author of the article makes an attempt at analyzing FLT from the angle of the theory of the glottodidactic chain. FDT at the college level can be viewed as a specific variety of the general glottodidactic chain. By setting the issue within such a framework we are able to grasp better the structural depen­dencies between individual elements involved in the realization of the glottodidac­tic processes.

As the present discussion has made it evident, in the glottodidactic chain, specific to FLT at the college level we are faced with the learners who do not present a very consistent picture from the point of their own glottodidactic characteristics. What is more, they do not seem to be especially motivated in the glottodidactic sense. The picture of the teaching element of this chain does not come out as well-defined, either, this also being the case with the syllabus joining together the teacher and the learner, and the methodology according to which the syllabus is to be realized. In fact, the chain in question seems to be well defined solely by one parameter — its duration. Thus an urgent necessity arises for a better definition of the remaining elements. To attain this goal one has to undertake the appropriate research as soon as possible. First and foremost, it seems that the FLT situation at the college level should be put to a systematic theoretical analysis.

Edmund A. RONOWICZ: Differentiation of the Organisational Forms of Foreign Language Courses for Students of Non-Linguistic Departments Determined by Final Objectives

The main purpose of the article is to point out the necessity to differentiate the organisational forms of foreign language courses for students of non-linguistic departments depending on the final objectives of these courses. In the initro- duction the author proposes some principles of defining the final objectives of foreign language courses at non-linguistic departments of universities.

The article is devoted to the presentation of the process of program and materials preparation for an intensive course in English for students of mathematic and of the results of experimental courses carried out in the years 1974 -1976. It exemplifies the application of the proposed principles of program and materials preparation, whose validity has been confirmed in pedagogical practice.                                                                                         

Mikolaj MAKAL: Courses of Foreign Languages in College as Discussed in Pedagogical Periodicals

The unsatisfactory results of foreign language teaching in our universities, colleges, and other higher education establishments have absorbed the attention of many authors engaged in educational problems and have become the subject of considerable research. An important role in inspiring such investigations during the last fifteen years has been played mainly by the periodicals ,,Didactics in Higher Education Institutions" and ,,Foreign Languages in School", which have devoted considerable attention to the question of the syllabus of foreign language teaching with emphasis on determining the aims, tasks and methods of teaching on an academic level. A problem closely related to this, that of preparingglottodidactic material, has been clearly represented in the above-mentioned journals. This problem is at present of particular interest in view of thesteadily increasing use of language laboratories in everyday practice and thus the necessity of particularly careful preparation of teaching aids required by a syllabus on programmed teaching.

Of considerable significance in the discussion on the state of our glottodi-dactics are the theoretical works of Polish authors emphasizing the specific nature of the methodological procedures in the process of foreign language teaching. Another question raised in educational publications is that of the role of cultural elements, which in the opinion of many educational workers can only be represen- ted in research work to a very restricted degree. The author also presents the opi-nions of various authors on the possibility of introducing elements of social edu- cation for the students during the foreign language lessons. A key problems further intensification of foreign language teaching is, in the opinion of the author

of the present review, that of creating an effective system of motivation stimulation.

In the last part of the article, a sequence of opinions on the legal status of the lecturer in foreign languages in colleges and other higher education insti-tutions and ways of improving his professional qualifications is given.

Reviews and Notices

L. Mellgren i M. Walker, New Horizons in English. Reading, books 1-6 (Jerzy Bogucki)
Ronald Wardhaugh, Topics in Applied Linguistics (Maria Dakowska)
D. A. Wilkins, Notional Syllabuses (Stanisław Wojnicki)
JI. C. Bapxyдapoв, Язык иnepeвoд (Mirosława Kucharska)
O. A. Kpылoвa, C. A. Xaвpoнинa, Пopядoкcjiob b pyccкомязыкe (Iwona Banach-Suchowierska)
O. Д. Mитрофановa, 3. Ю.Coceнкo (pед.), 3кcnepимeнтальные исследования b методике npeподавания pyccкогo языкa кaк иностранного (Krystyna Chomicz-Jung)
Rene Richterich, Niicolas Scherer, Communication orale e't apprentissage des langues (Pratique pedagogique) (Anna Jozefowicz)
Robert Galisson, Daniel Coste (ed.), Dictionaire de didactique des langues (Wanda Zor)
,,Praxis des neusprachlichen Unterrichts", vol. 23, nr 1-4 (Włodzimierz Korcz)
Alojzy Brzeski, O nauczaniu mówienia w języku obcym (Danuta Brzozowska)

Notes and Reports

5th Annual Symposium organized by the Insti­tute of Applied Linguistics, Białowieża, 26th - 28th May 1977 (Iwona Banach-Suchowierska)
American English for Poles, Audio-visual English teaching course - American English version (Andrzej Kopczynski)


Jan Lewandowski: Bibliography of periodicals on foreign language teaching