Przegląd Glottodydaktyczny 22 (2006)


Rozprawy i artykuły

Sambor GRUCZA: Lingwistyczne i glottodydaktyczne badania nad rodzajnikami niemieckimi
Roman LEWICKI: Rola i miejsce języka niemieckiego w koncepcji kształcenia językowego Polaków w okresie przemian
Joanna LEMPART: Podejście konstruktywistyczne w uczeniu się i nauczaniu języka obcego na poziomie edukacji wczesnoszkolnej – podłoże teoretyczne i wyniki badań
Sylwia ADAMCZAK-KRYSZTOFOWICZ: Znaczenie podejścia interkulturowego w akademickiej dydaktyce języka niemieckiego. Rys historyczny i krótkie podsumowanie najważniejszych wniosków z badań własnych
Anna ŻUREK: Grzeczność językowa Polaków i obcokrajowców uczących się języka polskiego (studium porównawcze)
Magdalena OLPIŃSKA: Kształcenie podyplomowe nauczycieli klas dwujęzycznych
Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA: Nauczanie porozumiewania się w zróżnicowanych sytuacjach komunikacyjnych – wnioski z analiz podręczników języka niemieckiego jako obcego

Recenzje i przeglądy

Małgorzata KARWATOWSKA, Jolanta SZPYRA-KOZŁOWSKA, Lingwistyka płci, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2005 (Wioletta ORLIŃSKA)
Barbara OLASZEK, Русский позитивизм. Идеи в зеркале литературы, Łódź 2005 (Marta ŁUKASZEWICZ)
Elżbieta ZAWADZKA, Nauczyciele języków obcych w dobie przemian, Impuls, Kraków 2004 (Anna GACKOWSKA)
Lynne BOWKER, Jennifer PEARSON, Working with Specialized Language. A practical guide to using corpora, Routledge, London 2002 (Marek ŁUKASIK)
Małgorzata GNYŚ, Zagadnienia kulturowe i kulturoznawcze w nauczaniu języków obcych, Wydawnictwo Akademii Podlaskiej, Siedlce 2002 (Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA)
Hans-Jürgen KRUMM, Paul R. PORTMANN-TSELIKAS(eds), Begegnungssprache Deutsch – Motivation, Herausforderung, Perspektiven, Schwerpunkt:Sprachenpolitik und fachbezogene Grundsatzfragen. Plänarvorträge der XIII. Internationaler Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, Graz 2005, Studienverlag, Innsbruck–Wien–Bozen 2006 (Barbara GRUCZA)

Komunikaty i sprawozdania

Deutschland und Polen – Nachbarn in Europa, Wykład Jego Ekscelencji dr Reinharda Schweppe, Ambasadora Republiki Federalnej Niemiec w Polsce, wygłoszony w czasie uroczystego spotkania na Wydziale Lingwistyki Stosowanej i Filologii Wschodniosłowiańskich Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)


CONTENTS / Abstracts

Discussions and Articles

Sambor GRUCZA: Linguistic and glottodidactic researches on German articles

The aim of the article is to present the results of linguistic and glottodidactic studies on articles in the German language. Although German articles belong to the most frequently used category in the German language, their linguistic description is particularly difficult. Throughout the history of linguistic studies on German articles the attempts to answer the following questions were made: (1) should ‘article' be seen as a separate part of speech? (2) Should both der and ein be considered articles? (3) If ‘article' is to be regarded as an independent part of speech, then what are the elements that constitute this category? (4) If ‘article' is not an independent part of speech, then where do the forms der and ein fall into? (5) If there is no article in the noun phrase, should this be considered as ‘zero article'? It is even more difficult to work out a glottodidactic contrastive description of functions of articles for learners of German as a foreign language, especially for those whose native languages do not include this category. Analyses have revealed that a comparison of referential functions of German articles and the equivalent lexical structures in Polish is limited to a comparison on the cognitive level. The question remains whether Polish speakers/hearers possess in their cognitive structure such categories as ‘definite designate of the noun' or ‘indefinite designate of the noun', and if they do, how do those structures compare to cognitive structures of speakers/hearers of the German language.

Roman LEWICKI: Towards the role and range of the German language in the concept of language education in Poland in the time of transformation

The present paper aims at shedding some light onto the development of different concepts of language education in Poland during the time of transformation and its impact on the role and range of the German language in the Polish educational system. The number of learners taking German has dropped dramatically within the last decade. Interest in other modern languages has grown, especially in English which is the most spoken foreign language in Poland and it leaves other languages for dust. Surveys (GUS 2005, Strzeszewski 2004) suggest that numbers of Poles learning two or even three languages are constantly growing and, in most cases, this is German which is taken as a second foreign language for the purpose of bilingual-bicultural communication. An overview analysis of the role of foreign languages in Poland has shown that, to a great extent, the type of intercultural communication influences the choice of a language. Therefore further research and deeper analysis of possible intercultural contexts of language use is required to define the goals and concepts of teaching and learning German as a foreign language in Poland.

Joanna LEMPART: A constructivist approach to learning and teaching EFL to young learners – the theoretical background and research results

The present study investigated the influence of the constructivist approach on the use of compensation strategies by young learners of English as a foreign language. It aimed at finding out whether this approach is known to Polish early primary school teachers, which constructivist principles they employ and why, as well as whether the constructivist approach contributes to the wider use of compensation strategies during communication. The participants consisted of 161 learners of EFL aged nine (twelve groups) and twelve teachers of these learners. The data came from lesson observations, researcher's diaries, questionnaires for both teachers and learners, interviews with the teachers and transcripts of the learners' interactions. The results indicated that constructivism is an approach to learning and teaching which contributes to the development of better communication skills and to the use of the wider range of compensation strategies. Some implications of the findings are put forward along with the outlook for further research.

Sylwia ADAMCZAK-KRYSZTOFOWICZ: The validity of intercultural approach in teaching German as a foreign language at universities. Historical review and short summary of the author's own research conclusions

Successful communication across the borders of one's own culture requires intercultural communicative competence. Knowledge of a foreign language alone is not sufficient. The goal of developing the learner's intercultural communicative competence can best be achieved by an integrative approach of Landeskunde encompassing both the acquisition of linguistic and cultural competence as well as combining fundamental methods of cognitive, communicative and intercultural approaches to learning Landeskunde. The article focuses therefore on the short summary of the most important results of the author's own empirical findings on the validity of intercultural learning in teaching German as a foreign language at universities in Poznań, Warszawa, Wrocław, Kraków, Zielona Góra, Gdańsk, Szczecin, Toruń, Lublin and Łódź, as well as colleges in Poznań, Konin and Leszno. The main section of the work provides however an overall historical review of the main Landeskunde approaches in teaching and learning German as a foreign language in the last century and focuses on the terms Landeskunde and intercultural communicative competence in more detail. The final part of the article points to important issues that can become the object of further research.

Anna ŻUREK: Language politeness of Poles and second-language learners of Polish (a contrastive study)

The article is devoted to the explanation how language politeness is expressed by native and nonnative speakers of Polish. In the paper five politeness speech acts were presented and analyzed. The instrument used in the study was a discourse-completion test (DCT), developed for researching the speech act realization of Poles and second-language learners. The investigations were performed in Poland and abroad among students from various European countries. Additionally, the second goal of the study was to answer whether language politeness of secondlanguage learners convey politeness value according to Polish rules of politeness.

MagdalenaOLPIŃSKA: Post-graduate teacher training in bilingual education

The article is an attempt to design a curriculum for post-graduate teacher training in Bilingual Education (Content and Language Integrated Learning – CLIL). The first part of the article gives a brief description and general characteristics of various CLIL-programs, and then describes the present situation regarding Bilingual Education programs in Europe. The further part discusses the needs and requirements in relation to post-graduate teacher training curricula in CLIL-programs. Finally some postulates as conclusions derived from the discussion are presented.

Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA: Exercises in oral communication according to social situation – conclusions based on analyses of selected handbooks of German as a second language

The article presents the results of analysis of dialogues from the coursebooks for teaching German as a foreign in comparison with spontaneously performed dialogues. Surveyed were the most common types of dialogues present in an everyday small talk, service and informative dialogue. The texts of spontaneously performed dialogues come from the recordings transcribed and published in the text collection of Hueber Verlag. The author understresses the necessity of teaching spoken language properly from social-situative point of view and gives examples of exercises.

Reviews and Notices

Małgorzata KARWATOWSKA, Jolanta SZPYRA-KOZŁOWSKA, Lingwistyka płci, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin 2005 (Wioletta ORLIŃSKA)
Barbara OLASZEK, Русский позитивизм. Идеи в зеркале литературы, Łódź 2005 (Marta ŁUKASZEWICZ)
Elżbieta ZAWADZKA, Nauczyciele języków obcych w dobie przemian, Impuls, Kraków 2004 (Anna GACKOWSKA)
Lynne BOWKER, Jennifer PEARSON, Working with Specialized Language. A practical guide to using corpora, Routledge, London 2002 (Marek ŁUKASIK)
Małgorzata GNYŚ, Zagadnienia kulturowe i kulturoznawcze w nauczaniu języków obcych. Wydawnictwo Akademii Podlaskiej, Siedlce 2002 (Ewa TOMCZYK-POPIŃSKA)
Hans-Jürgen KRUMM, Paul R. PORTMANN-TSELIKAS (eds), Begegnungssprache Deutsch – Motivation, Herausforderung, Perspektiven, Schwerpunkt:Sprachenpolitik und fachbezogene Grundsatzfragen. Plänarvorträge der XIII. Internationaler Tagung der Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer, Graz 2005, Studienverlag, Innsbruck–Wien–Bozen 2006 (Barbara GRUCZA)

News and Reports

Deutschland und Polen – Nachbarn in Europa, Wykład Jego Ekscelencji dr Reinharda Schweppe, Ambasadora Republiki Federalnej Niemiec w Polsce, given during a ceremonial meeting at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and East-Slavonic Studies of the Warsaw Uniwersity (Wojciech WIESIOŁEK)